The items below share updates, changes or new programs.

ESSER 3 Feedback Survey

ESSER 3 is nearly a $1.6M funding source for students of USD 361. As planning is underway, gathering thoughts and feedback from families, staff, and the community is needed. Complete the survey below to share your thoughts and ideas.

COVID Update: As of January 1, 2022 USD 361 stopped testing, masking, and quarantining and currently not following KDHE guidance. Quarantining, masking and testing is currently a family choice. Schools are currently following the practice of sending students home if temperatures are above 99.4. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications in order to return to school. Students absent for 3 or more days due to illness will need to have a doctor's note to return to school, which is current school policy. However, due to the challenges of COVID, the Dr. notes may be waived after contacting the building administrator. The waiver will be considered on a case-by-case basis. School attendance remains a key indicator of student success.

If a child tests positive for COVID it is the responsibility of the family and school to keep the child away from the school building (KSA 65-122).